About Me


I'm now an assistant research fellow in the ZGC Labotary, working with Prof. Haixin Duan.

I received my Doctoral degree in the Institute for Network Sciences and Cyberspace from Tsinghua University in 2023 and my Bachelor degree in Communication Engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Communications (BUPT) in 2018.

Currently, my research studies network security, with a particular interest in data-driven security, Cybercrime and AI security.

Reserch Interests

Data-Driven Security; AI-applied Security; Cybercrime; Network Measurement

Contact Me

Other Links: Github | NISL


Conference (15)

Jounal (1)



External Reviewer

Community Service

  • DataCon Competition Preparation, participate as a main member in questioning and validation for both domain and traffic tracks for three consecutive years (2019-2022)